"The city tells us stories. Some of them are even true."
new york facts & fictions

You can't see it from Michigan because the earth is round.

The bus stops here.

Hold onto your hats!

Why not stop here?

Honest officer, we only had one small one!

Don't even think of keeping on trucking.

Sooner or later, you'll have to pay the piper.

Executive lunchroom.

Manshop. Indeed.

Get outta here.

It's lovely to be lovely.

A water tower is half ladder, half crane, and half hose. Who knew? Obviously not math wizards like us!

Because you deserve the best route!

It's good to have a plan.

Radio City.

Engine 55.

Half a bridge. We hear it's not for sale so save your money.

Has anyone ever called this the Fuller building? Probably not since the name Flatiron caught on almost as soon as it was built in 1902.

Take the bus down Fifth Avenue in the evening for splendid views. Unless you're in a hurry. Then it's better to head underground.

Word of advice: never ask a cop if it's OK to park. We guarantee she/he will say, "What does the sign say."

There is a golden doll living on the top of the spire. See if you can find her.


Locals can go wherever they please. Trucks gotta go that-a-way.

Sitting is allowed.

Breakfast and lunch on Mulberry Street.

Walk this way.

We like variety.

There is a lovely African Grey parrot just inside, on the left. Just peek in the door to see her.

In the city, some stores look like churches. And the opposite is also true.

Some are more welcoming than others.

Is it a rocketship? Or just a dream of the future we once had?

Avenue A. Summed up: Liquors. Smoke & Beer. Pizza.

Cross with the lights.

Beware: it all started to go wrong for Cary Grant in the Oak Room bar of the Plaza in North By Northwest.

Who's peeking out from behind the curtain?

Looking for Frank Mills.

Lucky Jodie. A lane all to herself.

This is who we're gonna call when we're on fire. Our local firehouse.

The view from where we bought our first suit in NYC. So grown up. The tailor is long, long gone.

All Vias lead to John & Wendy. Or at least this one.

The 24 Club. Wnen 21 just won't do.

Aww go on. It's only a subway.

Confusing isn't it? Is it a canal or a street?

Again, sitting seems to be permitted.

It's nice to know that it's safe to bring the kids.

Our character reading skills are sadly limited to "big", "man", and "mountain", none of which are represented here. Hopefully the Taoists aren't swearing.

Howdy, fellows!