
cat naps

the inky bits
"art of the tattoo art"


positively dog street
"Because your best friend is the best best friend in the world."

new york facts and fictions
"The city tells us stories. Some of them are even true."

scissors and glue
"When you run out of paint, the magazines better run."

Don't believe everything you read in the papers.

walking the dog
Someday, maybe we'll meet all the dogs in New York City. Here are a few to start.

hitting the bottle
Exploring a current fascination with bottles.

small in japan: let's be friends
Paintings for a show. The gallery will be holding pet adoption events/fundraisers during the exhibition.

small in japan: what's in the box?
Works on recycled cereal box cardboard for a gallery show in Tokyo

the price of ink
Is beauty really only skin deep?

pet shop
A selection of our animal inspired art from our Redbubble "Pet Shop" collection.

free kittens
Part of our pet projects series.

once upon a time in the west
Part of a continuing project.